- September 11, 2020
- Posted by: MJC Law
- Category: MJC News, Our People
MJC Law is delighted to announce that Director, Lauren Crow, has been appointed to the Law Society’s Mental Health and Disability Committee, from 1 September 2020. This committee:
• reviews and promotes improvements in law, practice and procedure affecting disabled people, including those who have mental health needs, and people who are in vulnerable circumstances, which ensure their rights and equality of treatment under the law;
• promotes and develops legal services to people subject to the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and to people subject to the Mental Health Act 1983 and to those within the categories referred to above;
• reviews the role and operation of the Law Society Mental Health Tribunal Accreditation Scheme;
• reviews the role and operation of the Law Society MCA (Welfare) Accreditation Scheme;
• shares expertise and advises the Law Society on matters referred to above.
Lauren, who has become known as one of the leading Court of Protection practitioners in the country, says “I am really excited to be joining this important committee. The committee is formed of some of the most talented and dedicated people in this field and so I am looking forward to working with them and making my own contribution”.